Yes summer season is here and it always comes along with a bundle of diseases. The change in season affects the climate, our environment and gradually our immune system as well. It affects the internal mechanisms of our body, which causes ailments and diseases. Ayurveda is an ancient medical science originated in India and it means science of vitality/life. And every one aspires to live healthy and lively. Through Ayurveda, it gives a complete cool down of emotions, body and spirit, with simple diet and lifestyle. This article deals with what are the summer diseases and what are the ayurveda treatments provided in RCM wellness centre.
People are always hurried for a faster solution rather a permanent solution. We all are not aware about the power of Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda says our body constitutes of 3 doshas or physical energy. These physical energies vary in every season. As far as summer is concerned the physical energy called pitta increases in our body and pitta ultimately symbolises heat. The inconsistency in the level of pitta Dosha in our body shows various symptoms related to it like Loose Bowels, Swelling, Swelling, Pyrexia, Indigestion, acid reflux, Burning sensations, Excess Perspiration etc. Digestive problems like ulcers and heartburn may flare. Due to Emotional discomforts, anger may rise as well as irritation and frustration.
Treating the summer disease means reducing the pitta level in the body and bringing a balance between the 3 doshas. Ayurvedic treatment for summer diseases often includes a pitta specific diet. People should eat foods that calm the pitha Dosha. Avoid alcohols and beverages that dehydrate the body instead consume cooling and nourishing beverages. Try to stay away from fermented drinks & foods, sour fruits and spicy foods which overheat the body. It’s better not to take fast or skip foods during this season as inadequate amount to food and energy supply to the body may lead the body to a weak state. During the summer season it is essential to drinking more water than usual as it helps in reducing the body temperature and hence help in reducing the pitta Dosha level in our body.
The quantity of pitta dosha level varies from person- to -person. To get the accurate level of pitta Dosha in your body and to know how it affects ones body, one must consult best Ayurvedic centre in kerala. A proper Ayurvedic practitioner can heal you from the summer diseases. . The Panchakarma treatments done to manage summer diseases are Taila Dhara, Shiro Abhyanga, Takra ,Shirolepa, Dhara, Mukhalepa, Ksheeradhara Lepana of body with coolentherbs, Akshitapana, shiro pichu, shiro basti. RCM wellness centre kochi is the premier Ayurvedic clinic in kochi, which has years of experience in the field of ayurveda and has experienced and expert Ayurvedic practitioners.This summer Ayurveda provided by RCM wellness centre is the lifestyle regime you need to try.