Mental disease is as old as humankind.overburdened lifestyle of today has lead to the development of unwanted stress and anxiety.Depression which is very common today can also be a fruit of unorganized way of living. All these factors has lead to the abnormal functioning of the body at the cellular level which gradually progressed into higher levels leading to a new group of diseases called psychosomatic disorders
Psychological factors can directly become the cause of certain diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, migrane,psoriasis and can adversely effect an existing medical condition like diabetes mellitus and cardiac complaints.Evev sexual disorders are mentally related.Negative symptoms of schizophrenia limit the capacity for interpersonal and sexual relationships. The first generation antipsychotics can lead to further decline in erectile and orgasmic functions. It is inevitable that the person suffering from arthritis should follow a strict diet ie, is food regimen. Patients should give up taking solid foods and food in excess. Food which increases acidity like meat, egg etc, should not be consumed. Care must be taken regarding their dental health. They must consult a dentist and get the decayed tooth removed.
This relation of mind and body has been identified centuries ago by the ayurveda acharyas. they understood that the mental state belief and action influenced the physical state and functioning of human system.Ayurveda clearly tells us that a living body requires proper harmony of the system at cellular level and so the ayurvedic system of treatment deals with holistic medicines. Here the mind body and spirit is interrelated and interdependent.
Modern system of medicine has explained this mind-body job as the work of consciousness.Freud has classified the levels of consciousness into three levels of awareness – conscious, precocious and unconscious.The conscious level comprise of all the things we are aware of. The precocious is the level that comprise of memories and are easily retrieved. The unconscious level comprise of things that are outside conscious awareness.These include memories thoughts and urge that we are unaware of.Much of these are unpleasant and conflicting. Our body has its own control system in dealing with these levels. Any disturbance in these levels can come up as emotions, like anger, grief, etc. when the mental plane is overly disturbed these can be expressed in physical plane.
Historical concept of disease was always a battle between God and evil.Mental diseases were considered to be the curse of god. All the unexplained, irrational behavior were considered to be the work of devil. Hippocrates aws the person who gave an idea of physical cause for mental illness. InCharakasamhita written in 600 BC, which is the part of Ayurveda saw ill health as resulting from an imbalance among the three body fluids ( Vatha,pitta, kabha )called Tri-Dosha. Middle ages saw the rise of alchemist.From there to modern era showed us the development of science in the better understanding and treatment of mental illness that includes psychoanalysis, insulin coma therapy and electroconvulsive therapy.But these treatments had its own bad effects.in insulin coma therapy physician deliberately put patient in a low blood sugar coma considering that large fluctuations in insulin level could alter the function of brain. This therapy had a risk of permanent coma.Even the barbiturates and bromides used in the treatment of psychiatric illness has its own side effects
This is where Ayurveda( knowledge of life) has a major role to play and RCM wellness centre can help you in reaching it.