Epilepsy is a known disease to humankind from the ancient times. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the excessive and abnormal neuronal electrical activity in the brain leads to seizures, sensations and loss of awareness. Approximately 50million people around the world have epilepsy, making it the most common neurological disease.
Ayurveda is a system of medicine of Indian culture which has its origin traced back to 6000 years before Christain era. Epilepsy in Ayurveda is called apasmara. Here apa means loss and smara means memory ,intelligence or consciousness. An actual attack of apasmara can include falling down, shaking of the legs,hands and body, rolling up of the eyes, grinding of the teeth, and foaming at the mouth. Aura called as Apasmara poorva roopa can be any subjective sensations like sensation of sounds, sensation of darkness, feeling of delusion and dreamlike state that a patient experiences before the attack. Ayurveda consider the causes of epilepsy as anger, greed, passion, temptation, ecstasy, grief, worry, and anxiety.Four major types of epilepsy based on the disturbance of doshas or humors are considered in the ayurvedic literature:Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Sannipataja. The vataja type of apasmara is characterized by frequent fits; regaining consciousness in very short time; bulging of eyes; excessive crying; foaming at the mouth; irregularly contracted fingers; reddish and blackish nails, eyes, face and skin, trembling and hallucinations. Pittaja type is characterized by regaining consciousness in short interval; scratching of the ground; greenish yellow and coppery nails, eyes, face and skin; visions of agitated; bloody, irritated, frightful and burning objects. Kaphaja type is having features of fits with delayed recovery; increased growth in mouth; white nails,eyes, face and skin, and visions of white heavy smooth unctuous objects. The sannipatika type is characterized by simultaneous disturbance of all the three doshas that give rise to combination of signs and symptoms and is considered almost incurable.
Modern science has listed multiple causes for epilepsy such as lesions in the brain, tumors, strokes, infections, genetic conditions,etc.Classification of seizures are as focal seizures and generalized seizures. 60% of people with epilepsy have focal seizures also called partial seizures. This type of seizures starts in a particular part of your brain and can cause both physical and emotional effects. Generalized seizures happen when nerve cells of both sides of your brain get abnormally activated. They can cause you muscular spasms, black out and fall. Some seizures start as partial and then progress to generalized seizures. Generalized seizures are of six types:Tonic Clonic or Grand mal seizures;Clonic seizures; Tonic seizures; Atonic seizures; Myoclonic seizures; Absence or Petit mal seizures.
Not all cases of epilepsies are lifelong.. Treatment includes correcting the etiological factors, dietary regimen and avoiding dangerous places that may result in injuries. Ayurveda has explained the treatment of epilepsy according to which dosha is involved. It includes mantras, ghrtas, taila cooked with herbal drugs, nasyas and anjanas.Ayurvedic literature has explained numerous herbs possessing anticonvulsive property. Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, Malkagni, Jatamansi are some among them
RCM WELLNESS center is a prestigious ayurvedic treatment centre in Kerala. We have a well established ayurvedic treatment facility and offer a complete care for patients suffering from epilepsy. Through our holistic approach in treating patients and with the help of our eminent ayurvedic physicians, we not only offer a cure to the disease but also enhance the spiritual power through meditation and yoga. Thus we offer a better physical as well as mental health to our inmates. Patients improve with short and long term treatment to the point that treatment is no longer needed.So there is no need of worry if you or your family is suffering from epilepsy as RCM wellness center is your solution.