Fever is an elevated body temperature of >37.8 C orally. Fever occurs when the body’s thermostat which is located in the hypothalamus resets the set point at a higher temperature level. It occurs mainly in response to an infection. There is exogenous and endogenous pyrogen that causes fever. Exogenous pyrogens are microbes or their products. Exogenous pyrogen induces the release of endogenous pyrogen which triggers the release of interleukins and cytokines. These reset the set point of hypothalamic thermoregulatory center thus leading to vasoconstriction and shivering which induce heat production. This continue until the temperature of blood flowing around the hypothalamus reaches the new set point, and thus establishing fever. Action of the antipyretic drugs in modern medicine is to reset the hypothalamic set point downward which initiates heat loss through sweating and vasodilatation.
Due to the inconvenience caused by the fever, people generally try to bring down the temperature using drugs on the very onset. Fever is not a disease, it is just a normal body mechanism. It can be an alarm or alert that that the body sends to understand that it is attacked by a pathogen or any deviation of body’s normal functioning has happened. Studies conducted in medical field have proved that when body temperature increases, it can kill certain bacteria and viruses which are sensitive to changes in temperature. Fever also increase the mobility of leukocytes, enhance leukocyte phagocytosis, and increase the proliferation of T cells. T cells play a major role in enhancing the immune response by increasing the antibody production by B cells, defense at mucosal barrier and production of inflammatory response against bacteria, viruses and cancer. Fever can sometimes be the only symptom of a major underlying disease. So taking drugs on the onset of fever may not be a good idea. But on the other hand people die of fever. It is not advisable to wait until the fever subsides by itself. In children a high temperature may lead to febrile seizure. It happens when the body temperature rises too fast. So it is always better to consult a doctor and get investigated on the causes of fever. Self medication without a doctor may lead to wrong treatment, missed diagnosis and unwanted side effects.
Ayurvedic system of medicine deals with the holistic treatment. Fever in Ayurveda is due to the imbalance in kapha and vata doshas. It is always a better way, to deal with the body and correct the imbalances, rather than simply decrease the temperature. Ayurveda offers you a wide range of herbal remedies that can rectify the lack of harmony in our body. These herbal medicines strengthen the body from inside so that our body can fight the disease by itself. The medicines also have antipyretic active ingredients which can bring down the fever. Tulasi, Aconitum, Cassia, Cinnamon, Cumin seeds, Ginger, Onion are some of the herbal medicines used. Self medication with these herbal medicines during fever is a common practice. But it is always safe to get yourself consulted with a doctor, investigations done and medicines taken accordingly
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