From menstrual cramps to missed periods, these monthly period problems are common. As a natural process, menstruation as such should not cause any health issues. But due to heavily burdened everyday life, stress at house and workplace, many women started experiencing disorders in their monthly cycle. The uneasy situation can make you debilitated and can adversely affect your daily work. Ayurveda can provide you with solutions that really work at the root level and gives the opportunity to regain the balance before more difficult conditions arise.
The menstrual flow is the byproduct of the most basic tissues of the body mainly plasma or rasa dhatu. It carries hormones, vitamins, minerals, water. When this layer is healthy and flows freely, all the nutrients and the waste too has a free flow, so that they may leave the body with ease. Then comes the layer of blood , which is also part of menstrual flow, releasing excess pitta. By paying attention to your flow, its quality and quantity and your experiences before and after its release, you can even get a sense of how the doshas are at play even before they fully come to fruition on a gross level in other layers of the body. This also gives us an opportunity for a better intervention into the physiology of our body, so the measures can be taken for coming back to a stronger balance and therefore, a stronger health.
The menstrual cycle is thought to follow lunar cycle which is approximately 29.5 days. The doshas has a definite role and each dosha will show its face and has specific impact on specific parts of the cycle. Kapha dominates the first half of the cycle, called rutukala when the endometrium thickens and becomes more and more glandular. Ovulation marks the beginning of the next phase, rutavateta kala, dominated by pitta. If the egg is not fertilized, the last phase, rajahkala sets in. It is the sudden rise of vata that begins the menstrual period, enabling the flow of menstruation.In the Vata type of women, the bleeding is relatively less, dark red tinged and often brownish.In the Pitta type of women, the menstruation is copious. The blood can be dark red, purple and there might be clots as well. The menstruation may last 5 to 7 days.
In the Kapha type of women, the menstruation is continuous lasting more than a weak with moderate bleeding. The blood is bright red and can be mixed with impurity of mucus.
- Bright red in color
- Does not stain cloth
- Has an odor that is not foul
- Has an amount that is on an average, four anjalees. A single anjalee is the amount of liquid that would fit into one of your cupped hands.
The common disease conditions leading to menstrual problems can be:
- Uterine fibroid
- Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism
- Endometriosis
- Obesity
- Cervical or endometrial cancer
Ayurveda explains how these imbalances in the body can be resolved using herbal therapy. RCM WELNESS has team of doctors who can help you. The recovery is fastened with a special regime introduced by us, which include changes in lifestyle and diet. All these instructions will be given by ayurvedic physician according to the established leading dosha and energy deviations. We also give special emphasis to yoga and pranayama. Guests at our wellness center are taught simple effective yoga postures which can be performed later at home. So let’s have a jet start for happy periods with Ayurveda at RCM WELLNESS CENTRE.