Karkkidakam is the moth of rainfall in Kerala and is the last month in the Malayalam calendar.This year karkkedaka masam, starts on July 17 and ends on August 16. This is also a month to visit the enchanting Kerala, when you see the place more green and exotic. The month is also ideal for undergoing ayurvedic therapies as per ayurvedic physicians.
Decades ago agriculture was the main source of income for the people of Kerala. The fury of nature caused a huge economic loss during this season. Even the body was considered to be very fragile and prone to illness. People considered it to be the wrath of Gods. They started worshipping and doing special rituals during this period. Ayurvedic acharyas of that time developed herbal mixtures and oils for the better longevity of life. They considered this season to be ideal for a holistic treatment. Years passed but the habit of indulging oneself in this herbal feast still remains.
The name karkadaka chikitsa refers to ‘karkidakam’ the ‘Malayalam month’ and ‘chikitsa’ the ‘treatment’. The atmosphere remains cool and dust free which makes the treatment more effective. As the monsoon effects each of the doshas in its own way, the treatment during this month is of great importance. The excess toxins accumulated in the body during summer and the sudden shower of rain destroys the balance of the doshas leading to fever, acidity, allergy, inflammations and digestive problems. Karkidaka chikitsa focus on realigning the doshas thereby detoxifying the body, rejuvenating, and boosting our body’s immunity. Even the panchakarma chikitsa in Ayurveda is better done during this season.
Here at RCM Wellness center we have a team of ayurvedic doctors who can guide in having a best experience of Kerala’s ayurvedic monsoon treatment. We offer you a special range of ayurvedic treatment packages during this season at attractive prices. Our doctors can also help you in choosing the appropriate package according to your body needs. This not only helps in
detoxifying your body but also helps you to shed weight and tone your body. Our monsoon package includes oushadha kanji, panchakarma, oil massages, herbal bath, a well-organized diet plan, yoga and meditation. So don’t be late for an appointment. Celebrate this monsoon at RCM Wellness center where the rain and herbs comes in harmony for a better tomorrow.