Pizhichil Treatment

Pizhichil is a speciality ayurvedic treatment which is also a preparatory treatment for panchakarma. The term pizhichil means squeezing. The medicated oil for the massage therapy is squeezed from a cloth dipped in the warm medicated oil into the patient’s body. The treatment is also called Kaya seka, Taila seka and Sarvanga sneha.
Pizhichil is a combination of two ayurvedic treatments called as snehana(oil massage) and swedana(fomentation, sweat inducing, sudation).Here the patient’s body is made to perspire by means of pouring warm medicated oil in a specific manner. The treatment combines the goodness of both oils and the heat, providing the body and mind with numerous benefits.
The patient is made to sit on a dhara table with legs extended. A cotton swab after soaking in oil is applied over the scalp. A cloth dipped in lukewarm medicated oil is squeezed all over the body followed by gentle massaging Using hands and special cotton cloths. Special caution is taken not to make patients head sweat. A cloth is tied over the forehead for preventing oil from getting into eyes. Fresh medicated oil is used every day and the duration of the procedure is decided by the physician. All medicines used for the treatment is selected according to the patients condition.
This is a highly rejuvenating treatment that enhances the whole body systems specially the nervous system. It’s highly recommended for the people suffering from rheumatic problems, osteoarthritis, insomnia, depression, sexual problems. It stimulates the lymphatic drainage thereby clearing the metabolic waste and toxins relieving body from unwanted swellings.
The best place to experience this rejuvenating treatment is Kerala, where this tradition has its roots. And RCM WELLNESS CENTRE, Thripunithra can offer you with an enchanting atmosphere where you can indulge yourself in this treatment. Our trained ayurvedic physicians give you explicit instructions about the therapy and the procedures to be followed. So forget your worries and pain with RCM WELLNESS CENTRE.